How One Discount Strategy Can Earn Me $1,000s
When I decided to start an online business, I never thought, “Hey, I want to create a product and discount it.” That idea didn’t cross my mind unless I wanted to be nice, which often happens once I get to know people.
But, when you first start, you don’t really know anyone. Let me correct that, no one really knows who I am. I don’t exist to anyone outside of my family and friends. The world doesn’t know me, and social media users don’t know me. So, how can I discount something that no one knows about?
And why would I want to discount my products when I worked my ass off to make it.
I spent 35 hours in the span of three days to learn about Kajabi. I had three days off, so I spent the entire time learning how to use Kajabi, and how to create products to sell.
More specifically, I learned how to create landing pages for my coaching program.
Now, I’m spending all my free time learning how to create the courses.
I can tell this is going to take a long time to build. Possibly around 100+ hours.
I have to
- research content
- write and edit course material
- compose a good instruction layout
- film and edit video tutorials
It’s a lot of work.
Since my course is all about discount strategies, I plan to use those strategies to sell this course.
But, theirs a few important steps I need to follow before I can do that, and that’s to build awareness.
Building Awareness
Right now I have about one thousand total followers, which I’m happy for but isn’t big enough. So, in the coming weeks that I plan to build and complete my course, I’m going to leverage my lead magnets.
I created five lead magnets before this step of creating a course. But, I realized I can’t just get leads and do nothing with them. I need to give them something valuable. Something worth buying. Something that will help build their brand and make them money. And, that’s the Discount Strategy Course.
A course to build your brand, and increase your sales.
The kind of discounts that won’t hurt your brand, and won’t devalue your work.
So, what can I do to build awareness?
I need to go on a full-blown campaign that talks about discount strategies gives case studies, and provides examples.
That means posting as often as you can, about content relevant to the course. I’m basically teaching the lessons for free on my Twitter and LinkedIn. I’m sharing it with my email list and blog.
I’m testing what works and what doesn’t. What is grabbing attention, and what people are asking. I’m getting feedback and data from my content, so I know what to add and remove from the course as I go.
Test the content, and use what works.
So, I’m bringing awareness to my course at the end of my social media content, building up an audience that’s looking forward to the course.
But, since my audience is small, I plan to leverage the hell out of the lead magnets I piled up.
Building an Audience
So, here are two strategies I’m using to build an audience
- promote two lead magnets over the next couple of weeks
- warm up my email list to the course release
I learned a great strategy for leveraging lead magnets in Derek Hughes’s blog post How I Broke The Lead Magnet Rules (And Grew My Email List By 237%). It was a great read of how Derek turned his lead magnets into email course lessons.
My lead magnet is an email course called Long-Form Mastery. Sending 5 emails gives me 5 opportunities to make my mark. A downloaded ebook is quickly forgotten.
Most people (including myself) send a single file for our leads to download the lead magnet. Once they download it, they soon forget about it.
But if you break up the lead magnet into several email lessons, then it gives you more opportunities to impress your audience. Simple and genius.
So, with the two lead magnets I’m leveraging, I’ll send one out each week as an email course prior to the pre-release.
The leads should help build an audience.
The email courses should help to build a reputation.
Building Reputation
This last step is important because you want people to believe you’re course is the transformation they are looking for. The missing piece of information that will take their business to the next level.
And when I say belief, I mean believing that your free content is so valuable, that it has already made a difference in some of their professional lives. It only makes sense that your course will make an even more transformational difference.
You build a reputation with valuable content, so they want to buy your products.
Reiterate what works.
Trash what doesn’t.
You have to keep fine-tuning your presentation. Keep improving your copy. Keep leveling up your reputation.
This is where you put that discount strategy into play.
What I want most, aside from sales, is social proof. I want people to test my course and give me feedback before the official launch date.
If it sucks, I want to know before I launch the course.
If it’s good, then I want social proof before I launch the course.
The Strategy
What’s the discount strategy?
Give my email list early exclusive access to the pre-release for free.
Yeah, free.
The strategy is to get people to test your product, and get testimonials for social proof.
By giving your audience a product they love for free, you increase the value of that product with social proof.
- This strategy will build a reputation
- This strategy will build awareness
- This strategy will increase your sales
This is one strategy I chose to use, but there are over 20 different strategies anyone can use. My course will teach all of them in short, understandable lessons.
I don’t know what the final price will be once I’m all done, but one thing is for sure, my email list will get access to the course for free before I stick a price on it.
I’ve done some market research and saw course prices costing anywhere from $150-$500. I’m aiming for that price range once it’s all set and done.
But, before I do, you still have a chance to sign up for the course pre-release coming soon.
If you’re interested in taking this Discount Strategy Course to help build your brand and increase sales, then you can sign up here before I close this offer.
Discount Strategy Course
The One Person Startup
Founder, Amado Aguilar