I teach product marketing strategies to sell on different platforms | product page optimization, email marketing, copywriting, blogging, newsletters and more. Sign up for my weekly newsletter about product marketing strategies.
Hey, Welcome back to The One Person Startup Last week, I spent a few hours crafting some lead magnets to help grow my audience by over 500 new follows and over 200 new email subs. I normally link them on my landing page, in blog posts, emails, and my bio on X (Twitter), but honestly, none of those methods work as well as giveaways. I know there's a bit of controversy to running giveaways, but once I thought about it, I wondered how different are they from having a lead magnet on your landing...
Hey, Welcome back to The One Person Startup When it comes to product marketing, social media is just the tip of the iceberg. You still have plenty of other forms of marketing your product, like blog writing, podcasting, and video marketing on platforms like YouTube. In today’s newsletter, we’re diving into a crucial aspect of content creation: crafting headlines that not only capture attention but also attract your ideal audience who are ready to take action and buy your products. The number...
What I Learned from Creating My First Online Course With Kajabi Kajabi is not the cheapest option for creating courses. I’m going to put that out there first if you were wondering. I won’t have you wait through an entire article to learn that fact. I have looked, at and compared all the platforms for hosting online courses, and I can tell you, that I will stick with Kajabi even though it is the most expensive option. If you’re interested in why that is, you can comment below, and I’ll share...